Air Purification
D.F. Richard can help you protect your home from mold, bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants.
Self-Cleaning No Maintenance Air Purification
The iWave-R is a no-maintenance air purification system that is designed to install quickly, and easily, to your existing ducted HVAC
system. Ask us how we can install one right into your system so that you can start breathing fresh air today!
Proven Technology
With technology installed in over 200,000 applications, iWave-R is the world’s first self-cleaning, no maintenance needlepoint bi-polar ionization generator designed specifically for treating air in residential duct A/C systems.
No Maintenance
iWave-R treats the air in any brand of residential duct air conditioning systems up to 6 tons (2400 CFM) in size with no maintenance and no replacement parts. The iWave-R also comes with a 3-year limited warranty*.
* See full warranty for complete details.
How It Works
The iWave-R can kill mold, bacteria and viruses in your HVAC system and in your living space. The ionization process
reduces allergens, smoke and static electricity, and even controls odors and other particles in the air without creating ozone or any
harmful byproducts. It works by creating positive and negative ions that attach themselves to these passing pollutants and gases until
they get heavy enough to be trapped by the air filter.
Learn More About the iWave-R
iWave-R and COVID-19
The Center for Disease and Control (CDC) is responding to an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China. The disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (“COVID-19”). At this time COVID-19 virus has not been made available for testing. However, the iWave family of products have been proven through independent lab testing to significantly reduce a wide variety of pathogens and viruses similar to coronavirus in the breathing zone and on hard non-porous surfaces. It is important to note that we make no medical claims.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-603-742-2020
Mail: PO Box 669, Dover NH 03821-0669
Office: 124 Broadway, Dover NH 03820
We are open from 8am — 4:00pm weekdays.
24/7 Emergency: 1-800-649-6457