We Deliver. On Your Terms.
To make life easier, let us get you set up for automatic deliveries.
Hassle Free Automatic Deliveries
You can sleep better at night knowing that D.F. Richard is automatically filling your tank. We take the guesswork out of making sure that you have enough fuel for even the coldest days of winter. Our experts forecast the amount of fuel you need and then we deliver that fuel automatically so that you don't ever have to worry about calling for deliveries again.
How does it work?
We forecast when you’ll need your next fuel delivery based on a degree day system, your average usage each season, as well as weather conditions and then automatically deliver fuel when needed.
What are degree days?
Heating engineers who wanted a way to relate each day’s temperatures to the demand for fuel to heat buildings developed the concept of heating degree days.
To calculate the heating degree days for a particular day, find the day’s average temperature by adding the day’s high and low temperatures and dividing by two. If the number is above 65, there are no heating degree days that day.
Remote Monitoring
We have added propane gas tank monitors to our tanks in the field. This monitor provides real-time data on the fuel level in the tank at your dwelling. This is another tool that we use to deliver efficiently and proactively.
Your Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the owner or renter to ensure that a property’s heating system is being monitored to avoid any potential damage due to a loss of heat. It is also up to the owner or renter to provide safe access to the fill pipe/tank and the heating system. We provide 24 hour emergency service to our customers should a problem arise.
Any changes to your household can directly affect your automatic delivery schedule, such as, expanded living space, additional household members, installation or use of supplemental heat such as a pellet stove or burning wood to name a few. These can/will cause inconsistencies in your delivery history which is one of the important factors in automatic delivery calculations. Please keep us updated with any changes. For more helpful information, we suggest you read Keeping Seasonal Rentals or Unoccupied Dwellings Safe.
Will Call Status
Will Call Status is an option if the tank is customer owned. Will Call Status means you will call when you need a delivery. Allow a minimum of 2-3 days so we can incorporate the delivery into our regular route schedule.

On-Time Reliability
Throughout our history, we at D.F. Richard have prided ourselves upon our impeccable customer service and attention to detail, with an understanding that our job is an important role in the safety and security of your family. This is not a responsibility that we take lightly.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-603-742-2020
Mail: PO Box 669, Dover NH 03821-0669
Office: 124 Broadway, Dover NH 03820
We are open from 8am — 4:30pm weekdays.
24/7 Emergency: 1-800-649-6457